The Reflection of Our Hearts

framed mirror showing reflection of white flowers

Hello friends! Happy Saturday! Is it just me or did this week seem to go on forever? This week was my first week back in Athens and it was eventful to say the least. The Dawgs won the National Championship (did I almost cry…yes), I started classes again, I got to see my friends, and I took one of the two finals I missed in December. 

Today, I’d like to talk about Psalms 12. Something that I struggle with and I’m sure we all do was discussed: the power of words. 

David lamented about how no one is faithful anymore. We “flatter with lips and harbor deception in our hearts.” How true is that even thousands of years later? We’re all guilty of this,  unfortunately–it’s part of our nature. We gossip, we lie to each other’s faces, and we brag about ourselves to smother our own insecurities. I remember so many people had drama in high school because of rumors and negativity constantly being spread. If we listened more and chose kindness, maybe all that drama in our lives would have never existed.

Words hold so much power. The power to build you up or to tear you down.  Do you ever lie in bed at night and think about what someone said to you years ago, even when you were a kid, that you still remember today (and it still hurts a little all these years later)? Do you ever think about what you said to someone else that probably caused them pain and you never apologized for because of shame? I know I have. And it’s something I’m actively trying to be better about. But it’s hard breaking old habits. It’s hard to break the popular narrative of gossip and negativity because sometimes it’s just easier.

But, the thing is, words are the reflection of our hearts. Our words can often show what we harbor inside and when it escapes, it’s irreversible for better or worse. Words can inspire and can just as easily fester within us and tear us down–words have the power to transform. 

Even if you aren’t a person of faith, it is so important to speak life into the people around you. We are called to be lights in this earth full of darkness and chaos (Matthew 5:16). If we let our light that carries life go out and instead submit to a spirit of negativity–then who will be a light for the broken and weary in the dark fighting their hardest battles? You may be the only glimpse of joy, or hope, or the love and light of Jesus that someone will ever get to see. So I encourage you to choose words that speak light and life. It definitely isn’t easy, but I promise you it’s worth it. 

AnnaLisa Hutchinson

My words are weapons
Laced with duality
Sincere to one’s face
Yet deceptive in mind’s space

I boast to feel good
Like my worth comes from folk
When deep down I know my worth comes from Above

Let my words be like light
Shattering darkness
Fill my mind with pure thoughts
My mouth with discernment

I yearn for You Lord
Any time, any place
I yearn to be filled with Your love and Your grace

Let me share You in this broken place
Let my words be a vessel to carry Your embrace